// logo (function($){ MediaElementPlayer.prototype.buildlogo = function(player, controls, layers, media){ var loop = $('
' + '' + '
') // append it to the toolbar .appendTo(layers) // add a click toggle event /* .click(function(){ window.open(player.options.logo.link, '_blank'); });*/ }; })(jQuery); /* global mejs, _wpmejsSettings */ (function ($) { // add mime-type aliases to MediaElement plugin support mejs.plugins.silverlight[0].types.push('video/x-ms-wmv'); mejs.plugins.silverlight[0].types.push('audio/x-ms-wma'); // mejs.plugins = mejs.plugins.slice(1); $(function () { if ((wpbeautify_video.logo_url != null) && (wpbeautify_video.logo_url != '')) { // console.log(wpbeautify_video.logo_url) var settings = { features: ['logo','playpause', 'progress', 'duration', 'volume', 'fullscreen'], logo: { image: wpbeautify_video.logo_url, link: '' } }; } else { var settings = {} } // var settings = {} if ( typeof _wpmejsSettings !== 'undefined' ) settings.pluginPath = _wpmejsSettings.pluginPath; var settings_horizontal = jQuery.extend(true, {}, settings); settings_horizontal.videoVolume = 'horizontal'; $('.wp-audio-shortcode:not(".wpbtfy-volume-horizontal"), .wp-video-shortcode:not(".wpbtfy-volume-horizontal")').mediaelementplayer( settings ); $('.wp-audio-shortcode.wpbtfy-volume-horizontal, .wp-video-shortcode.wpbtfy-volume-horizontal').mediaelementplayer( settings_horizontal ); }); }(jQuery));